Norfolk Gazelles ‘Big Stampede’ – 24/10/2021
The Lively Birds – Sonja White
Relay team time overall 59th
Relay team time category (female open) 3rd
Individual result for Amy Fulcher:
First 5K in Jaguar colours.
Time: 23:03
Pos: 199
Club standards: Silver
The was my first 5k race in club colours and as part of a relay team. I was struggling with a sore hamstring on the day but had great support from my fellow team members. The run itself went better than expected I did my normal and started off too quick but managed to complete the run with a personal 5K PB, although I felt quite sick at the end, I was delighted to pass the ‘imaginary’ baton’ over to Sarah.
Really enjoyable event and thought as a team we did extremely well.
Individual result for Sarah Circuit:
First 5K in Jaguar colours
Time: 24:24 (silver club standard)
This is my first ever 5km race in club colours, albeit in a borrowed vest! I was a little nervous to say the least, but in my mind, I preferred the thought of running for 5km than my previous week’s run which was my first half marathon.
I nervously waited and watched Amy come round the corner of the first leg of the race, and she gave us lively birds a great start. I sprinted off, but heard the wise words of Rosemary telling me not to go off too quickly. I tried not to, but when surrounded by people sprinting past you, it’s hard not to get a little bit carried away.
There was a great atmosphere at the showground, and the support and wise words of advice from the Jags was very much appreciated. I thoroughly enjoyed the race and being part of a team event. I ran a PB so I was very pleased, but I felt more physically tired after that event than running 13.1 miles. I can’t quite understand this running lark!
Individual Result – Emma Jordan:
Time 25:40
Watching nervously, I saw Sarah coming round for the 3rd time. I’d deliberately chosen to go 3rd as I was the weakest link in the team & my theory was that if Amy & Sarah could give me a good head start I could at least hold on until I passed on to the always consistently good Sonja white . It certainly wasn’t my best 5k time but the quickest I had run for a while. Coming into the last bend, i gave one last push & was very relieved to finish & pass onto Sonja for the 4th & final leg . That familiar feeling of euphoria & feeling a bit sick was a reminder of how great it is to be back racing again & with such fantastic people . Well done lively Birds !!
Individual result – Sonja White
Time 23:41
So going last, no pressure at all!!
Having watched Amy and Sarah coming in in great times and Mrs J holding her own out on the course all I had to do was time my pre run toilet trips x 10 to perfection and get in the holding bay, ready and poised which I did but then got talking. Hearing “Coltishall Jaguars” on the tannoy sent me into panic as I turned and saw Mrs J coming in.
I was off and trying to calm the adrenaline so I didn’t do my usual of going off too fast. It was great being back out running in orange feeling all the support from fellow Jags and other friends from different clubs.
Half a mile to go I was overtaken by a young female Gazelle and the old competitiveness in me decided to say hi! Knowing she might be in our category I kept her in my sights hoping I’ll have something left in the tank at the finish and thankfully I did taking back my place (whilst going up a hill😄) and maintaining it until the end.
The encouragement from fellow Jags was second to none as always and the feeling of running as a team again has really upped my running mojo and I can honestly say, I loved it!!
Thank you Jaguars it was brilliant being back with you all and catching up with everyone and Rod, I forgive you for overtaking me and leaving me eating dust!😁
Pick N Mix – Cameron Mclean
Jason had originally called us ‘Little Mix’ (his favourite music artists), but myself, Doug Barber, Stephen Neal and Dave Simpson had to take charge if we were to be taken seriously…Although the Showground was slightly chilly in the morning, Steve went first and smashed out a fantastic time of 22:18, which set Doug Barber up well to continue a great pace on the second leg where Doug pulled off 24:20. Myself took over from Doug where I had no idea whether I was doing rubbish or not, and so with the pressure of setting Jason a proper PB I finished at 22:22 (Bronze Standard…sorry Jason), and the fourth leg was smashed by Dave who achieved an amazing time of 29:29!!! Great teamwork and support from everyone with the Jags at the Showground, and we look forward to smashing it again. Well done lads!
3 Girls And A Guy – Emma Penfold
Not the most creative name I’ll admit. I wanted us to be called Jumping Jags Flash, which would have been way more appropriate. Not just because we ended up being 2 Girls and A Guy – so a bit of a trade description issue going on. But basically because we were on Gas Gas Gas with a morning of PBs! Even more impressive when you realised our Captain, Dee had to race twice due to be a team mate down. Team relays are fun for sure, despite what my face said in all the photos. But the best bit was just the joy of being out with the orange army once again!
Team Results: Tim Evans 26:25, Dee Neal 26:48, Emma Penfold 27:22, Dee Neal 27:04
Total Time: 01:47:39
The Incredibles – Rod Bye
Team members Rod Bye, Jackie Bye, Ken Bowman and Rosemary Jackson competed in the Championship relay and the race was being decided on age graded performances, we thought we just might be in with a chance of winning. We weren’t the only ones who had picked a strong age graded team the competition was out in force. The course was very deceptively slow and all our performances reflected it ( no complaints same for everyone) anyway we did manage to win the Mixed super vets category but the overall win eluded us finishing in 6th place out of 99 teams. Great and enjoyable team event and will be returning next year for sure

Name | Time | PB | Standard |
Hayley Smith | 29:46 | Yes | |
Andy Foreman | 20:07 | First Timer | Gold |
Thomas Lincoln-Kemp | 21:46 | Silver | |
Paul Emery | 22:37 | Gold | |
Rod Bye | 20:45 | Diamond | |
Ken Bowman | 22:24 | Platinum | |
Jackie Bye | 25:35 | Diamond | |
Rosemary Jackson | 26:01 | Diamond | |
Emma Jordan | 25:40 | Silver | |
Sonja White | 23:41 | Silver | |
Amy Fulcher | 23:03 | First Timer | Silver |
Sarah Circuit | 24:24 | First Timer | Silver |
Stephen Neal | 22:18 | Gold | |
Cameron McLean | 22:22 | First Timer | Bronze |
Doug Barber | 24:20 | Gold | |
Dave Simpson | 29:29 | ||
Laura Johnson | 27:18 | ||
Kelly Piesse | 30:08 | First Timer | |
Emma Goldsmith | 26:15 | First Timer | Bronze |
Dee Neal | 26:48 | Gold | |
Dee Neal (2) | 27:04 | Gold | |
Emma Penfold | 27:22 | First Timer | Bronze |
Tim Evans | 26:25 | Yes |