HUMPTY DUMPTY 10K 30/06/2019
I felt nervous as we got to the Race headquarters, This was going to be a record of how far I had come over the year ( the Humpty Dumpty 2018 was my 1st official race let alone 10K!) so I had a mixture of feelings about the race. We got there in plenty of time, had a few hello’s with the congregating Jags and then got in the loo Q and then bag drop and suddenly there were calls for the 1st wave (I was in the last wave so knew I had time). Made my way to the starting penwhile making sure my bib number was secure and that my Jeffing sign on my back was in place, I got to my pen and got near the back. Lots of chatter and good lucks from fellow Jags and other runners and the 1st wave started and we moved forward waiting forour turn. We got to the start had a quick safety briefing and we were off. The crowds were great though the town and as we thinned out a bit I turned on my beeper, 40:20 was the ratio I had decided to Jeff to. When the 1st beep sounded I called out ‘walkbreak’ and checked behind me to make sure no one was directly behind me, there was a large group who hadn’t heard me and I nearly fell over the curb getting out of there way. Then the beep again and I could get into my race rhythm. Lots of cheering and lotsof keep going when I was on a walk Emoji butI kept focused and into the countryside we ran. At about 1st K there was the lovely Mr T sending us up the 1st if small incline with another lovelyJag marshalling at the top sending us on the right road. It was about this time (usually the same distance most races) that the other runnersnear me notice I’m Jeffing and small conversations start as we keep passing each other (this happens towards the end of races as well) I have meet lots of runners this way, it breaks up the race and it adds to the whole experience. Before I knew it the sign for Reedham was in front of me and then it was on into the village with extra water being offered by the marshals and shouts of encouragement from the public, I then turned onto Riverside where there was more Jag supportwhich always encourages me and lifts me up that little bit more. Then it was a left turn onto Mill Rd (the hill) which I decided because of the heat to Power Walk with a capital P as I didn’t want to zap all my energy. It was at that moment I rememberedmy ice towel so wetted it shook it and enjoyed the coolness with a quick wipe over, bliss. Onwards though the roadworks then right up Church Rd (another hill) then the lovely site of 2 Jags on bikes shouting support at the top of the hill, just where we neededit. Then it was the long slog of Halvergate Rd which always seems to have a headwind no matter what the weather!!! It was here I caught up with a fellow Jag running who was feeling the heat so Ice towel again and we set off Jeffing together for the last1.5K ish. It was lovely turning into the last Rd and hearing the crowd then seeing loads of Jags and runners cheering us down the road and then over the finish line. Medal, Water, Banana and Mars bar and a big smile, I knew I had given my all in that heat. The result was HD 2019- 1:09:20, HD 2018- 1:21:31. So 12 mins faster than last year and an improvement in how I ran as well as my recovery. And I Loved it. Emily

Name | Time | PBs | Standard |
Daniel Smith | 39.54 | GOLD | |
Neil Button | 42.22 | GOLD | |
Chris Johnson | 44.18 | BRONZE | |
Ellie Gaskins | 44.29 | 2nd In Age Group | SILVER |
Keith Brighty | 49.17 | SILVER | |
Robert Dye | 51.06 | ||
Owen Barber | 52.24 | ||
Dougie Barber | 52.35 | BRONZE | |
Ruth Gainsford | 52.49 | SILVER | |
Rosemary Jackson | 52.50 | 2nd In Age Group | DIAMOND |
Luke Townsend | 54.14 | ||
Peter Kean-Cockburn | 54.23 | SILVER | |
Karen Evans | 54.54 | SILVER | |
Caroline Britton | 55.59 | BRONZE | |
Sarah Reynolds | |||
Charlotte Reed | 56.17 | ||
Hattie Swain | 56.17 | ||
Julian Smith | 56.17 | ||
Tim Evans | 59.02 | ||
Marion Bensley | 59.27 | ||
Alison Reed | 1.08.28 | YES | |
Emily Spragge | 1.09.20 | ||
Paul Bloomfield | 1.09.21 | ||
Rebecca Wicks | 1.11.33 | ||
Jamie Harkin | 1.15.10 | ||
Jenny Norris | 1.20.45 |