Queen Elizabeth Olympic Half Marathon. What can I say. Cold, grey miserable and that was just me. 7 of us hardy jags made it to big smoke for a mornings run. Charlotte Louise, lynn lambert, Laura hicks, Tim and Karen Evans, Sonja white and myself . The biting wind blew as we all said our good lucks to each other and trudged off to our starting pens ready for the off. The horn sounded and away we went. The course wasn’t to bad but surprisingly a few nasty little hills thrown in along the way but not enough to slow us down. Myself and Charlotte made good time, hoping for around 8:20 minute miles just enough to get us pb’s. Only to look at our watches and see we was way under the 8:00 minute mark . That surprised me because around the 11/12 miles Charlotte usually opens her potty mouth and let rips with a torrent off foul language aimed at my  good self, along the lines of I can’t do this, I hate you you fartherless person.Not this time!. With determination we pushed on not letting up and getting ourselves massive Pb’s. Special mention to Laura Hicks doing her 1st half who was overcome with emotion at the end. Well done Laura, you was amazing. Also a big run for Sonja white after along time off through injury getting in well under the 2hr mark. A pb for Lynn lambert on her 3rd half marathon. Tim also running his 1st half, well done and his wife karan who was using it as a training run for the big one in April. This is a traffic free race I would recommend to anyone and a great day out. Well done everyone.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Julian Smith, shoes, tree and outdoor

Image may contain: 3 people, including Tim Evans and Laura Hick, people smiling, people standing, shoes, outdoor and nature


Image may contain: 6 people, including Laura Hick, Julian Smith, Tim Evans and Lynn Lambert, people smiling, people standing, sky and outdoor

Name TimePBStandard
Charlotte Reed1.42.40YESSILVER
Julian Smith1.42.45YESSILVER
Sonja White1.53.51SILVER
Karen Evans2.00.09BRONZE
Lynn Lambert2.05.24YESSILVER
Tim Evans2.11.32FT
Laura Hick2.19.13FT