Our biggest turn out with 60 Jags. Although Very hot and humid difficult conditions Emma Wilcock got a PB.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

Image may contain: 5 people, including Hattie Swain and Paul Gerber, people smiling, child, shorts, sky, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: 2 people, including Hattie Swain, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature


Image may contain: 4 people, including Claire Louise Owen, people smiling, people playing sports and outdoor


Anthony Albourgh32.18SILVER
Clive Cartner32.20YESSILVER
Neil Button32.22GOLD
Melvin Porter32.50GOLD
Graham Johnson34.04GOLD
Thomas Lincoln-Kemp34.46GOLD
Stephen Neal35.10SILVER
Alan Bushell35.13SILVER
Emma Blake35.25GOLD
Stephen pointer35.36BRONZE
Shane Bidle35.43BRONZE
James Fuller35.46BRONZE
Ken Bowman35.54PLATNUM
Elly Young36.08GOLD
Emma Wilcock35.38YESSILVER
Howard Harper36.38FTSILVER
Paul Emery37.08GOLD
Julian Smith 37.29BRONZE
Keith Brightly37.29FTBRONZE
Nick Eley38.01FTGOLD
Nicholas Hudson38.09
Nick Richards38.45
Vicky Tovell38.50SILVER
Rebecca Pountain38.54SILVER
Paul Berner39.13FT
Ruth Pilch39.55SILVER
Sonja White41.19BRONZE
Owen Barber42.34
Graham Fryer42.41
Adele Bushall43.19SILVER
Julian Jardine43.30FT
Darren Matthewson43.41FT
Vikki Harper43.40BRONZE
Ruth Gainsford44.39SILVER
Rosemary Jackson45.02GOLD
Paul Gerber46.05
Claire Owen46.10
Charlotte Reed46.08FT
Joanne Corrrell46.08
Samantha Beales46.15FT
Hatti Swain46.09
Dawn Chapman46.58FT
Clare Hicks49.11
Neil Laughton50.18
Barbara Button52.40
Charlotte Harmer53.53FT
Olivia Newstead56.09FT
Sarah Lanchbury58.55FT
Vee Clements59.40
Laura Hick1.00.25FT
Angela Hudson1.00.33FT
Caren Maidment1.00.15FT
Donna Monk1.02.48FT
Rachael Kirkham1.03.54FT
Jennifer Norris1.03.56
Sarah Letzer1.04.23
Penny Murray1.06.31FT
Julie Jardine1.06.49FT
Jenny Welsh1.11.06
Angela Bell1.16.53