The Rock & Roll series of musical bias running weekends are managed by an American company. All centres are chosen for their musical heritage. Liverpool has been the UK city for the past 5 years. Having a marathon. Half marathon, 10 mile, 10k, 1 mile and various fun runs, there were over 70000 runners in the Liverpool One area. 22000 were running the half mar…athon with me. A fabulous course taking in all the sights of Liverpool, cavern, liver building, Sefton Park, cathedrals etc. All the hills are in the first six miles and the last three are on the shore of the great Mersey. I have ever attended a run that has such good music all around the expo arena and running course. All rock and roll, many beatles including the bootleg guys and all top notch. Today was bathed in sunshine with an ambiant finish temperature of 24 degrees, so pretty hot. No PB for me as still suffering from this chesty cold that is doing the rounds, so lost 8 minutes at the 6 mile point with a coughing fit and came in five minutes over two hours. Not happy but will take it in the circumstances. I would recommend this running weekend next year to you all. Hotels are close, all have car parks, you don’t need a car, lots to do and if you like music, especially rock and roll….. Book it for next year!
Name | Time | PB | Standard |
Roland Talbot | 2.02.34 | SILVER |