WYMONDHAM 20 MILES 25/03/2018

After several weeks of wintry weather, perfect running conditions arrived in time for this race. There were 17 Jags taking part, some as part of their spring marathon training and some just for fun! It was also a grand prix event, attracting 371 runners in total, some wearing fancy dress!

The route comprised of 2 laps around a rural, gently undulating course out to the village of Deopham with a rather naughty uphill on mile 19 back into Wymondham.  It was well-marshalled with regular water stops and jelly beans for those in need of a sugar boost. There were also several Jags out on the course supporting their fellow runners, which was greatly appreciated.

The Jags results were terrific, with 4 members achieving gold standards, Tony Alborough and Emma Blake both setting new age group records. There were personal best times for Emma Blake and Emma Jordan and also Dee Neal, finishing 4th in her age group despite not eating a proper breakfast! It was a shame that the host club had run out of cake by the time we had all finished!

Ruth Gainsford

Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, outdoor

Tony Alborough2.21.41FT New Age Group RecordGOLD
Graham Johnson2.26.40FTGOLD
Melvyn Porter2.28.43GOLD
Darren Tubby2.30.36FTSILVER
Thomas Lincoln Kemp2.36.56FTSILVER
Emma Blake2.40.28YES & New Age Group RecordGOLD
Stephen Neal2.47.31FTSILVER
Keith Brightly2.51.43FTSILVER
Nick Richards2.51.48FTBRONZE
Emma Wilcock2.59.47FTBRONZE
Andrew Wicks3.01.08FTBRONZE
Emma Jordan3.01.45YESSILVER
Peter Kean-Cockburn3.02.40YESSILVER
Dee Neal3.27.49YESSILVER
Ruth Gainsford3.24.19FTBRONZE
John Windham3.33.32FTBRONZE
Liz Clues3.41.17FT