The Barcelona Marathon completed & enjoyed by Angela Gallen Bell, Her husband and new member Ian Bell and Clive Cartner. The course is undulating in parts, but it more than makes up for that with some stunning scenery and warm sunshine. Very well organised, with great shiny rewards at the end… Add it to your to do lists!

For Angela this was her 9th marathon and It’s been quite a journey with fighting a virus since before Christmas, meaning she had hardly trained. She felt unfit and unprepared as and only knew she was definitely coming to Barcelona 4 hours prior to leaving England. She cried herself across the start line being full of emotion. But no tears at the end, just relief. She completed in 4:36. She didn’t stop once. Running is all in the head. Have a strong mind and you’re halfway there!

Ian has just completed his third marathon in 6 months. This is amazing considering he only started running 8 months ago. Ian was on track for a 3:15 finish but his leg popped (as he put it) then he walked two miles. He feels a bit hard done by as his Garmin shows a faster time but in the big picture it doesn’t matter. Ian has 2 more marathons coming up to get the result he wants!  In the end Ian was just sub 4 but few problems with his chip timing. He also hasn’t trained due to injury. It’s been a really fantastic day!

This was also Clive’s 9th Marathon, he managed to get to 18 miles before the aches kicked in, but having not trained properly it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be

By chance they were even spotted and photographed by someone from Norfolk watching / looking out for her friends – and was surprised to see a couple of Coltishall Jags run past! A really enjoyable run.Image may contain: 5 people, outdoor


Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

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Ian Bell4.06.11 not correct awaiting correct time
Angela Bell4.36.19YES
Clive Cartner4.36.22