VALENTINE 10K 18/02/2018

Valentines 10k Easton, 18 Feb 18

27 Jags turned out on a beautiful bright and sunny morning at Easton college to take part in the Valentines 10k race. For the first time this year, many of us wore shorts and vests and there was a definite feeling of spring in the air.!!

The conditions were perfect and the mood was good as we set off on what turned out to be a lovely route. 

Based on the Easton and Otley College campus the valentines run starts uphill, what seems like a long drag takes you up to the Bawburgh Rd and a left turn takes you north and into Easton village. West along Dereham Rd and left again passed St Peter’s church see’s the field heading out into the open countryside and on to Colton. By now the gentle spring-like heat was keeping everyone warm, the first drinks stop was very welcome. Looping back to Marlingford through a second water station, the route sweeps around to the north, climbing slightly over the last 2ks back onto the campus and the finish. 

All agreed that the race was well organised and the facilities excellent. The Jags all had good races with 14 PB’s, and even though the Road Runners were out in abundance, our brilliant ladies still managed to claim the “Vets Ladies” team award ( Emma Blake, Vicky Tovell and Elly Young ) Elly Young also achieved age group record and Diamond standard, as did Tony Aldbrough, while Ken Bowman achieved age group record and Platinum standard. Emma Blake and Vicky Tovell got age group record and Gold standard.

All agreed that the race was well organised and the facilities excellent. 


Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, child, tree and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, drink and indoor

Anthony Alborough38.11YES & Age Group RecordDIAMOND
Neil Button39.56YESGOLD
Melvyn Porter41.02GOLD
Graham Johnson41.30YESGOLD
Thomas Lincoln-Kemp42.11YESGOLD
Stephen Neal43.22FTGOLD
Elly Young43.24FT & Age Group Record & Team win in age groupDIAMOND
Ken Bowman44.16Age Group RecordPLATINUM
Emma Blake44.21PB & Age Group Record & Team win in age groupGOLD
Rebecca Pountain44.43PBGOLD
Paul Emery 45.09PBGOLD
Vicky Tovell45.25PB & Age group record & Team win in age groupGOLD
Phill Henry45.46GOLD
Nouha Tate46.31FTBRONZE
Julian Smith47.15YES SILVER new
Lee Emmett47.58
Chris Johnson49.14FT
Charlotte Reed50.59YESBRONZE
Nicholas Eley53.47BRONZE
Graham Fryer51.23YES
Dee Neal52.20YESGOLD
Julian Jardine53.21
Adele Bushell54.01SILVER
Tamara Mills53.47BRONZE
Sharon Jones55.35YESSILVER
Rachael Cole1.01.37
Caren Maidment1.13.00YES