Buxton 5K Charity Fun Run – Sunday 11 December 2016
The fun run theme for the Jags this year was Cinderella. The judging took place first thing and the Jags won first prize as best fancy dress group!
After heading out the door into glorious sunshine, the troop assembled at the back of the field and agreed to all run together. Even though Julian Smith dressed as a horse wanted to vault all the hedges, Laura Payne, dressed as a carriage, wasn’t keen. Seeing all the characters running up a muddy hill was hilarious and Hilda Mears, dressed as Cinderella, was more worried about her gown than her speed!
The support all the way around from the marshals was superb and we would’ve all gotten PBs if we didn’t have to keep stopping for photos. The ugly sisters were played by Vee Clements and Jenny Welsh and were scary, even worse once makeup was applied!
Paul Gerber was the wicked step mother and ran the whole route with his wife Carly Gerber dressed as a down trodden Cinders as he wanted to look as glamorous as possible.
Sarah Letzer dressed as the prince managed to run the whole 5k carrying a glass slipper resting on a cushion which was impressive until the end when she informed me it was glued on! Lucy Anderson was hoping for a PB, but that was not going to happen dressed as a pumpkin and stopping for photos.
The pace on the way back got a lot faster when Clare Hicks, dressed as Buttons, pulled 6 packs of chocolate buttons out of her leggings which had melted and started offering them around. Luckily, nobody recognised me dressed as a fairy so I kept getting asked who I was!
Adele Bushell ran well dressed as a Christmas pudding, a costume she had made herself, and had managed to finish still smiling. Tamara Mills and Sharon Jones, who ran dressed as mice, finished together slightly ahead and a nice finale was everyone else crossing the line together.
The fairy was the last person home, whoever he was??
Barbara Button looked good in a Christmas hat and tinsel but that won’t be happening next year; it’ll be a full costume for her!
Vicky Tovell’s son, Billy Life, won himself a trophy in the kid’s race which was great to see. What a wonderful day made all the better by the appearance of Becky Durant, dressed as a mouse, although not running this time, but great for everyone’s morale.
A few more Jags dressed as elves and santas were spotted around the course, namely Sonja White, Ruth Gainsford and Zep Ciarla!
Name | Time |
Sonja White | 24.27 |
Adele Bushell | 26.34 |
Ruth Gainsford | 27.03 |
Sharon Jones | 30.05 |
Tamara Mills | 30.05 |
Barbara Button | 31.16 |
Zep Ciarla | 31.54 |
Team Cinders | 44.33 |