Wibbly Wobbly Log Jog – Friday 5 August 2016

It was a lovely summer evening for this year’s Wibbly Wobbly Log Jog hosted by Brandon Fern Hoppers at High Lodge in Thetford Forest. Six Jags tackled this year’s 5 mile course through the beautiful forest. There was plenty of support from the marshals, which was well needed in the second half of the race which was more uphill!

The race is chip timed but no awards were given out for winners which was a bit disappointing. James Lambert was first Jag back in 35:42, finishing 12th overall. Nicola Lambert-John was the second female to cross the line in 27th position with 38:36. Josh Neale and Lucy Anderson raced together finishing in 61st and 62nd respectively with times of 43:13 and 43:14. Roy and Mary Owen were next to cross the line with Roy at 51:19, 134th and Mary at 1:00:19, 222nd. Well done to all!