Mike Groves 10 Mile Run – 21 June 2015


THE RACE RECORD FOR THE MIKE GROVES HAS BEEN BROKEN …granted it had been held for only a year and was established when Kieran McMorran of the Black Dog in the inaugural race, ran this new course in just 57.43

However, not to be outdone Ritchie Bateson, ex Jaguar, and in his west country strip for Yeovil pulled out all the stops and this year roared home in 57.31. Twelve seconds doesn’t seem a lot but my rather ancient brain suggests a lead of about 50 or 60 yards!!

There was a low entry of just 132 and 21 did not turn up so 111 started and finished but before  the start there was small problem in that Paul laid out the course and left

12 x 5 litre bottles of water at the 3 mile point about 7am. When the marshals arrived a little later, they were gone!!!!


To save the day, Jackie and Rod just went out to buy some more, without their swift action it could have been embarrassing with some runners being dehydrated and would certainly have damaged our reputation as a club.  I still find it unbelievable that someone could steal water !

We did have another problem in that there is a `security` bollard to prevent unauthorised use of the car park which stuck up too much. This was counteracted by Mel and Andy who used scaffold boards and slabs to allow the vehicles to pass over otherwise there would have been a few sumps or exhaust damaged and certainly some unhappy customers that we would probably not see again !

There were only two Jaguars that ran, Mel who helped to park cars and set up the finish and then ran the race in 1.10.03 and David Platten a new member who did a very creditable 1.22.38 in his new colours!

As has happened before there were many comments on the day and by email afterwards to Nicework regarding support and encouragement by the marshals around the course which was much appreciated by the runners. There was amazement by many at the spread of gorgeous homemade cakes on display, provided once again by the `Jaguar ladies` and one gent!! Dale Hurren appeared to take and consume 6 or so before the race and still recorded a 1.04 !!

Generally speaking the race went well and the customers were happy, unfortunately there were fewer than we would have liked and expected as we had competition in the form of a triathlon at Fritton.  This clashing of events is an increasing problem and it does not help that there is no advanced warning or a coordinated calendar for the county.

All the proceeds for this race will go to the Air Ambulance but as yet I do not know how much as there are bills to come in and when I have sorted and completed I will obviously let you know

Anyway my thanks to you all for doing so well what did, see you soon!!
