Snowdonia 7
So called because it takes in 7 of Snowdonia’s toughest mountains, this fell race is 22 miles long and includes 8000 feet of ascent. Although billed as a running event only the very best are able to run the whole course. The race is open to teams of 4 police officers at least 3 of whom must get round carrying a pack containing a set list of safety equipment and clothing. Normally the race attracts wind, rain and freezing temperatures. This year it was on the hottest day recorded in the area since 1976. The heat created conditions which saw over a third of competitors unable to finish and the winners, who normally average just under 5 hours took well over an hour longer. Richard Collyer was part of a Norfolk team that finished in 8 hours 22 minutes, losing a member en route through dehydration. This was in the top half of the finishers. The last team to finish came in in well over 11 hours. Despite the tough race conditions Richard has vowed to return next year for more of the same.