Horsford Cross Country Series race 1 and 2. Norwich Park Run 8th December.
In the first race of the Horsford Cross Country series Colin Robilliard and Jon Howe won their age categories and Adele and Alan Bushel both ran well to finish third in theirs. In the second race of the series Sue Allen and Heather Hollister won their age groups. Adele and Alan were in the prizes again and both improved their positions to finish second. Jon Howe found the conditions a little tougher this time and had to be content with third. Mini Jag George Bushel, who seems to be following in his parents footsteps, had good runs in the under 11 age group finishing first and third. Next race in the series is on 3rd February 2013. In The Norwich Park Run on the 8th December Charlotte Harmer took over 2 minutes off her 5k time running 26.47. Results