Wymondham 20 miles
There were some excellent times achieved in the Wymondham 20 which goes to show that marathon training is going well. Ben Letzer was the star of the show running a club record in an outstanding time of 2.09.51. If he keeps this up all the club records will be broken this year. Andrew Mulligan, Mel Porter, and Jon Howe ran p.b’s with Mark Harmer, Scott Chadwick, Rod Bye, Denver Slowther, Jackie Bye, Debbie Moore, Emma Blake and Becky Durant running the distance for the first time. A special mention should go to our Chairlady who, up until the race, had only run 10 miles in training so perhaps, on that form, she should enter a marathon next year!! Colin Robilliard was in the prizes once again winning 2nd in his age group (what’s happened to 1st Colin). Ben, Andrew and Mark were 2nd in the senior men’s team category.
Full Results
Name Time Standard
Ben Letzer 2.09.51 (pb) (cr) gold
Andrew Mulligan 2.16.01 (pb) gold
Mel Porter 2.22.56 (pb) gold
Jon Howe 2.26.19 gold
Colin Robilliard 2.29.26 diamond
Mark Harmer 2.33.51 (1st) silver
Scott Chadwick 2.35.58 (1st) bronze
Denver Slowther 2.38.20 (1st) bronze
Jackie Bye 3.02.51 (1st) gold
Debbie Moore 3.10.11 (1st) bronze
Emma Blake 3.22.14 (1st)
Becky Durant 3.51.00 (1st) bronze